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Understanding Backdoor Attacks through the Adaptability Hypothesis

AI SafetyConference paper
Xun Xian, Ganghua Wang, Jayanth Srinivasa, Ashish Kundu, Xuan Bi, Mingyi Hong, Jie Ding
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
Publication year: 2023


A poisoning backdoor attack is a rising security concern for deep learning. This type of attack can result in the backdoored model functioning normally most of the time but exhibiting abnormal behavior when presented with inputs containing the backdoor trigger, making it difficult to detect and prevent. In this work, we propose the adaptability hypothesis to understand when and why a backdoor attack works for general learning models, including deep neural networks, based on the theoretical investigation of classical kernel-based learning models. The adaptability hypothesis postulates that for an effective attack, the effect of incorporating a new dataset on the predictions of the original data points will be small, provided that the original data points are distant from the new dataset. Experiments on benchmark image datasets and state-of-the-art backdoor attacks for deep neural networks are conducted to corroborate the hypothesis. Our finding provides insight into the factors that affect the attack’s effectiveness and has implications for the design of future attacks and defenses.


Adversarial deep learning

Backdoor attack

Data poisoning

Pruning Deep Neural Networks from a Sparsity Perspective

AI FoundationsAI ScalabilityConference paper
E. Diao, G. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, J. Ding, V. Tarokh
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Publication year: 2023


In recent years, deep network pruning has attracted significant attention in order to enable the rapid deployment of AI into small devices with computation and memory constraints. Pruning is often achieved by dropping redundant weights, neurons, or layers of a deep network while attempting to retain a comparable test performance. Many deep pruning algorithms have been proposed with impressive empirical success. However, existing approaches lack a quantifiable measure to estimate the compressibility of a sub-network during each pruning iteration and thus may underprune or over-prune the model. In this work, we propose PQ Index (PQI) to measure the potential compressibility of deep neural networks and use this to develop a Sparsity-informed Adaptive Pruning (SAP) algorithm. Our extensive experiments corroborate the hypothesis that for a generic pruning procedure, PQI decreases first when a large model is being effectively regularized and then increases when its compressibility reaches a limit that appears to correspond to the beginning of underfitting. Subsequently, PQI decreases again when the model collapse and significant deterioration in the performance of the model start to occur. Additionally, our experiments demonstrate that the proposed adaptive pruning algorithm with proper choice of hyper-parameters is superior to the iterative pruning algorithms such as the lottery ticket-based pruning methods, in terms of both compression efficiency and robustness.


Deep model pruning

Sparsity index

Personalized Federated Recommender Systems with Private and Partially Federated AutoEncoders

AI SafetyConference paper
Qi Le, Enmao Diao, Xinran Wang, Ali Anwar, Vahid Tarokh, Jie Ding
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Asilomar)
Publication year: 2023


Recommender Systems (RSs) have become increasingly important in many application domains, such as digital marketing. Conventional RSs often need to collect users’ data, centralize them on the server-side, and form a global model to generate reliable recommendations. However, they suffer from two critical limitations: the personalization problem that the RSs trained traditionally may not be customized for individual users, and the privacy problem that directly sharing user data is not encouraged. We propose Personalized Federated Recommender Systems (PersonalFR), which introduces a personalized autoencoder-based recommendation model with Federated Learning (FL) to address these challenges. PersonalFR guarantees that each user can learn a personal model from the local dataset and other participating users’ data without sharing local data, data embeddings, or models. PersonalFR consists of three main components, including AutoEncoder-based RSs (ARSs) that learn the user-item interactions, Partially Federated Learning (PFL) that updates the encoder locally and aggregates the decoder on the server-side, and Partial Compression (PC) that only computes and transmits active model parameters. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that PersonalFR can achieve private and personalized performance comparable to that trained by centralizing all users’ data. Moreover, PersonalFR requires significantly less computation and communication overhead than standard FL baselines.


Recommender systems

Data and model privacy

Exploring Gradient Oscillation in Deep Neural Network Training

AI FoundationsConference paper
Chedi Morchdi, Yi Zhou, Jie Ding and Bei Wang
59th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton)
Publication year: 2023


Understanding optimization in deep learning is a fundamental problem. Many previous works argued that gradient descent stably trains deep networks, yet recent work empirically discovered that the training is actually at the edge of stability. In this work, we take one step further toward exploring the instability of gradient descent in training deep networks. Specifically, through training various modern deep networks using gradient descent, we empirically show that most of the optimization progress is achieved with oscillating gradients – gradients that are highly negatively correlated in adjacent iterations. Moreover, we observe that such gradient oscillation (GO) has several fundamental properties: (i) GO appears in different training stages for networks with different architectures; (ii) under a large learning rate, GO is consistently observed across all the layers of the networks; and (iii) under a small learning rate, GO is more substantial in the input layers than in the output layers. Our discoveries suggest that GO is an essential and invariant feature in training different types of neural networks, and may inspire new optimizer designs.


Deep learning theory

Gradient descent

Learning rate

Understanding Model Extraction Games

AI SafetyConference paper
Xun Xian, Mingyi Hong, Jie Ding
2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS-ISA)
Publication year: 2022


The privacy of machine learning models has become a significant concern in many emerging Machine-Learning-as- a-Service applications, where prediction services based on well-trained models are offered to users via the pay-per-query scheme. However, the lack of a defense mechanism can impose a high risk on the privacy of the server’s model since an adversary could efficiently steal the model by querying only a few ‘good’ data points. The game between a server’s defense and an adversary’s attack inevitably leads to an arms race dilemma, as commonly seen in Adversarial Machine Learning. To study the fundamental tradeoffs between model utility from a benign user’s view and privacy from an adversary’s view, we develop new metrics to quantify such tradeoffs, analyze their theoretical properties, and develop an optimization problem to understand the optimal adversarial attack and defense strategies. The developed concepts and theory match the empirical findings on the ‘equilibrium’ between privacy and utility. In terms of optimization, the key ingredient that enables our results is a unified representation of the attack-defense problem as a min-max bi-level problem. The developed results are demonstrated by examples and empirical experiments.



SemiFL: Communication Efficient Semi-Supervised Federated Learning with Unlabeled Clients

AI FoundationsConference paperDecentralized AI
Enmao Diao, Jie Ding, Vahid Tarokh
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Publication year: 2022


Federated Learning allows training machine learning models by using the computation and private data resources of many distributed clients such as smartphones and IoT devices. Most existing works on Federated Learning (FL) assume the clients have ground-truth labels. However, in many practical scenarios, clients may be unable to label task-specific data, e.g., due to a lack of expertise. This work considers a server that hosts a labeled dataset and wishes to leverage clients with unlabeled data for supervised learning. We propose a new Federated Learning framework referred to as SemiFL to address Semi-Supervised Federated Learning (SSFL). In SemiFL, clients have completely unlabeled data, while the server has a small amount of labeled data. SemiFL is communication efficient since it separates the training of server-side supervised data and client-side unsupervised data. We demonstrate several strategies of SemiFL that enhance efficiency and prediction and develop intuitions of why they work. In particular, we provide a theoretical understanding of the use of strong data augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL), which can be interesting in its own right. Extensive empirical evaluations demonstrate that our communication efficient method can significantly improve the performance of a labeled server with unlabeled clients. Moreover, we demonstrate that SemiFL can outperform many existing SSFL methods, and perform competitively with the state-of-the-art FL and centralized SSL results. For instance, in standard communication efficient scenarios, our method can perform 93% accuracy on the CIFAR10 dataset with only 4000 labeled samples at the server. Such accuracy is only 2% away from the result trained from 50000 fully labeled data, and it improves about 30% upon existing SSFL methods in the communication efficient setting.


Federated Learning

Semi-Supervised Learning

Data augmentation theory

Unlabeled data

Self-Aware Personalized Federated Learning

Conference paperDecentralized AI
Huili Chen, Jie Ding, Eric Tramel, Shuang Wu, Anit Kumar Sahu, Salman Avestimehr, Tao Zhang
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Publication year: 2022


In the context of personalized federated learning (FL), the critical challenge is to balance local model improvement and global model tuning when the personal and global objectives may not be exactly aligned. Inspired by Bayesian hierarchical models, we develop a self-aware personalized FL method where each client can automatically balance the training of its local personal model and the global model that implicitly contributes to other clients’ training. Such a balance is derived from the inter-client and intra-client uncertainty quantification. A larger inter-client variation implies more personalization is needed. Correspondingly, our method uses uncertainty-driven local training steps and aggregation rule instead of conventional local fine-tuning and sample size-based aggregation. With experimental studies on synthetic data, Amazon Alexa audio data, and public datasets such as MNIST, FEMNIST and Sent140, we show that our proposed method can achieve significantly improved personalization performance compared with the existing counterparts.


Bayesian hierarchical model

Personalized federated learning

Mismatched Supervised Learning

AI SafetyConference paper
Xun Xian, Mingyi Hong, Jie Ding
2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Publication year: 2022


Supervised learning scenarios, where labels and features are possibly mismatched, have been an emerging concern in machine learning applications. For example, researchers often need to align heterogeneous data from multiple resources to the same entities without a unique identifier in the socioeconomic study. Such a mismatch problem can significantly affect learning performance if it is not appropriately addressed. Due to the combinatorial nature of the mismatch problem, existing methods are often designed for small datasets and simple linear models but are not scalable to large-scale datasets and complex models. In this paper, we first present a new formulation of the mismatch problem that supports continuous optimization problems and allows for gradient-based methods. Moreover, we develop a computation and memory-efficient method to process complex data and models. Empirical studies on synthetic and real-world data show significantly better performance of the proposed algorithms than state-of-the-art methods.


Label mismatch

Supervised learning

GAL: Gradient Assisted Learning for Decentralized Multi-Organization Collaborations

AI SafetyAI ScalabilityConference paperDecentralized AI
Enmao Diao, Jie Ding, Vahid Tarokh
36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Publication year: 2022


Collaborations among multiple organizations, such as financial institutions, medical centers, and retail markets in decentralized settings are crucial to providing improved service and performance. However, the underlying organizations may have little interest in sharing their local data, models, and objective functions. These requirements have created new challenges for multi-organization collaboration. In this work, we propose Gradient Assisted Learning (GAL), a new method for multiple organizations to assist each other in supervised learning tasks without sharing local data, models, and objective functions. In this framework, all participants collaboratively optimize the aggregate of local loss functions, and each participant autonomously builds its own model by iteratively fitting the gradients of the overarching objective function. We also provide asymptotic convergence analysis and practical case studies of GAL. Experimental studies demonstrate that GAL can achieve performance close to centralized learning when all data, models, and objective functions are fully disclosed.


Assisted learning


FedNAS: Federated Deep Learning via Neural Architecture Search

Conference paperDecentralized AI
Chaoyang He, Erum Mushtaq, Jie Ding, Salman Avestimehr
Publication year: 2022


Federated Learning (FL) is an effective learning framework used when data cannot be centralized due to privacy, communication costs, and regulatory restrictions. While there have been many algorithmic advances in FL, significantly less effort has been made to model development, and most works in FL employ predefined model architectures discovered in the centralized environment. However, these predefined architectures may not be the optimal choice for the FL setting since the user data distribution at FL users is often non-identical and independent distribution (nonIID). This well-known challenge in FL has often been studied at the optimization layer. Instead, we advocate for a different (and complementary) approach. We propose Federated Neural Architecture Search (FedNAS) for automating the model design process in FL. More specifically, FedNAS enables scattered workers to search for better architecture in a collaborative fashion to achieve higher accuracy. Beyond automating and improving FL model design, FedNAS also provides a new paradigm for personalized FL via customizing not only the model weights but also the neural architecture of each user. As such, we also compare FedNAS with representative personalized FL methods, including perFedAvg (based on meta-learning), Ditto (bi-level optimization), and local fine-tuning. Our experiments on a non-IID dataset show that the architecture searched by FedNAS can outperform the manually predefined architecture as well as existing personalized FL methods. To facilitate further research and real-world deployment, we also build a realistic distributed training system for FedNAS, which will be publicly available and maintained regularly.



Information Laundering for Model Privacy

AI SafetyConference paper
Xinran Wang, Yu Xiang, Jun Gao, Jie Ding
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), spotlight
Publication year: 2021


In this work, we propose information laundering, a novel framework for enhancing model privacy. Unlike data privacy that concerns the protection of raw data information, model privacy aims to protect an already-learned model that is to be deployed for public use. The private model can be obtained from general learning methods, and its deployment means that it will return a deterministic or random response for a given input query. An information laundered model consists of probabilistic components that deliberately maneuver the intended input and output for queries to the model, so the model’s adversarial acquisition is less likely. Under the proposed framework, we develop an information-theoretic principle to quantify the fundamental tradeoffs between model utility and privacy leakage and derive the optimal design.


Information theory
Model privacy
Optimal privacy-utility tradeoff

HeteroFL: Computation and Communication Efficient Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Clients

Conference paperDecentralized AI
Enmao Diao, Jie Ding, Vahid Tarokh
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Publication year: 2021


Federated Learning (FL) is a method of training machine learning models on private data distributed over a large number of possibly heterogeneous clients such as mobile phones and IoT devices. In this work, we propose a new federated learning framework named HeteroFL to address heterogeneous clients equipped with very different computation and communication capabilities. Our solution can enable the training of heterogeneous local models with varying computation complexities and still produce a single global inference model. For the first time, our method challenges the underlying assumption of existing work that local models have to share the same architecture as the global model. We demonstrate several strategies to enhance FL training and conduct extensive empirical evaluations, including five computation complexity levels of three model architecture on three datasets. We show that adaptively distributing subnetworks according to clients’ capabilities is both computation and communication efficient.


Federated learning
Heterogeneous clients

Fisher Auto-Encoders

AI FoundationsConference paper
Khalil Elkhalil, Ali Hasan, Jie Ding, Sina Farsiu, Vahid Tarokh
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)
Publication year: 2021

It has been conjectured that the Fisher divergence is more robust to model uncertainty than the conventional Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. This motivates the design of a new class of robust generative auto-encoders (AE) referred to as Fisher auto-encoders. Our approach is to design Fisher AEs by minimizing the Fisher divergence between the intractable joint distribution of observed data and latent variables, with that of the postulated/modeled joint distribution. In contrast to KL-based variational AEs (VAEs), the Fisher AE can exactly quantify the distance between the true and the model-based posterior distributions. Qualitative and quantitative results are provided on both MNIST and celebA datasets demonstrating the competitive performance of Fisher AEs in terms of robustness compared to other AEs such as VAEs and Wasserstein AEs.

Speech Emotion Recognition with Dual-Sequence LSTM Architecture

Conference paperMiscellaneous
Jianyou Wang, Michael Xue, Ryan Culhane, Enmao Diao, Jie Ding, Vahid Tarokh
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
Publication year: 2020


Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) has emerged as a critical component of the next generation of human-machine interfacing technologies. In this work, we propose a new dual-level model that predicts emotions based on both MFCC features and mel-spectrograms produced from raw audio signals. Each utterance is preprocessed into MFCC features and two mel-spectrograms at different time-frequency resolutions. A standard LSTM processes the MFCC features, while a novel LSTM architecture, denoted as Dual-Sequence LSTM (DSLSTM), processes the two mel-spectrograms simultaneously. The outputs are later averaged to produce a final classification of the utterance. Our proposed model achieves, on average, a weighted accuracy of 72.7% and an unweighted accuracy of 73.3%—a 6% improvement over current state-of-the-art unimodal models—and is comparable with multimodal models
that leverage textual information as well as audio signals.


Dual-Sequence LSTM
Speech emotion recognition
Time series

DRASIC: Distributed Recurrent Autoencoder for Scalable Image Compression

AI ScalabilityConference paper
Diao, Enmao and Ding, Jie and Tarokh, Vahid
Data Compression Conference
Publication year: 2020


We propose a new architecture for distributed image compression from a group of distributed data sources. The work is motivated by practical needs of data-driven codec design, low power consumption, robustness, and data privacy. The proposed architecture, which we refer to as Distributed Recurrent Autoencoder for Scalable Image Compression (DRASIC), is able to train distributed encoders and one joint decoder on correlated data sources. Its compression capability is much better than the method of training codecs separately. Meanwhile, the performance of our distributed system with 10 distributed sources is only within 2 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the performance of a single codec trained with all data sources. We experiment distributed sources with different correlations and show how our data-driven methodology well matches the Slepian-Wolf Theorem in Distributed Source Coding (DSC). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first data-driven DSC framework for general distributed code design with deep learning.



Data compression

Image coding

Recurrent neural nets

Deep Clustering of Compressed Variational Embeddings

AI ScalabilityConference paper
Suya Wu, Enmao Diao, Jie Ding, Vahid Tarokh
Data Compression Conference, 2020
Publication year: 2020


Motivated by the ever-increasing demands for limited communication bandwidth and low-power consumption, we propose a new methodology, named joint Variational Autoencoders with Bernoulli mixture models (VAB), for performing clustering in the compressed data domain. The idea is to reduce the data dimension by Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and group data representations by Bernoulli mixture models. Once jointly trained for compression and clustering, the model can be decomposed into two parts: a data vendor that encodes the raw data into compressed data, and a data consumer that classifies the received (compressed) data. In this way, the data vendor benefits from data security and communication bandwidth, while the data consumer benefits from low computational complexity. To enable training using the gradient descent algorithm, we propose to use the GumbelSoftmax distribution to resolve the infeasibility of the backpropagation algorithm when assessing categorical samples.


Unsupervised learning
Variational autoencoder
Bernoulli Mixture Model

Assisted Learning: A Framework for Multi-Organization Learning

Conference paperDecentralized AI
Xun Xian, Xinran Wang, Jie Ding, Reza Ghanadan
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Spotlight, 2020
Publication year: 2020


In an increasing number of AI scenarios, collaborations among different organizations or agents (e.g., human and robots, mobile units) are often essential to accomplish an organization-specific mission. However, to avoid leaking useful and possibly proprietary information, organizations typically enforce stringent security constraints on sharing modeling algorithms and data, which significantly limits collaborations. In this work, we introduce the Assisted Learning framework for organizations to assist each other in supervised learning tasks without revealing any organization’s algorithm, data, or even task.
An organization seeks assistance by broadcasting task-specific but nonsensitive statistics and incorporating others’ feedback in one or more iterations to eventually improve its predictive performance. Theoretical and experimental studies, including real-world medical benchmarks, show that Assisted Learning can often achieve near-oracle learning performance as if data and training processes were centralized.


Assisted AI
Organization’s learning

Restricted Recurrent Neural Networks

AI ScalabilityConference paper
Enmao Diao, Jie Ding, Vahid Tarokh
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2019
Publication year: 2019


Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and its variations, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), have become standard building blocks for learning online data of sequential nature in many research areas, including natural language processing and speech data analysis. In this paper, we present a new methodology to significantly reduce the number of parameters in RNNs while maintaining performance that is comparable or even better than classical RNNs.

The new proposal, referred to as Restricted Recurrent Neural Network (RRNN), restricts the weight matrices corresponding to the input data and hidden states at each time step to share a large proportion of parameters. The new architecture can be regarded as compression of its classical counterpart, but it does not require pre-training or sophisticated parameter fine-tuning, both of which are major issues in most existing compression techniques. Experiments on natural language modeling show that compared with its classical counterpart, the restricted recurrent architecture generally produces comparable results at about 50% compression rate. In particular, the Restricted LSTM can outperform classical RNN with even less number of parameters.


Recurrent neural network
Long short-term memory
Gated recurrent unit

Gradient Information for Representation and Modeling

AI ScalabilityConference paper
Jie Ding, Robert Calderbank, Vahid Tarokh
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
Publication year: 2019


Motivated by Fisher divergence, we present a new set of information quantities, which we refer to as gradient information. These measures serve as surrogates for classical information measures such as those based on logarithmic loss, Kullback-Leibler divergence, directed Shannon information, etc. in many data-processing scenarios of interest and often provide a significant computational advantage, improved stability, and robustness. As an example, we apply these measures to the Chow-Liu tree algorithm and demonstrate its performance using both synthetic and real data.


Fisher divergence
Chow-Liu tree approximation

Data-Driven Learning of the Number of States in Multi-State Autoregressive Models

AI FoundationsConference paper
Jie Ding, Mohammad Noshad, Vahid Tarokh
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2015
Publication year: 2015


In this work, we consider the class of multi-state autoregressive processes that can be used to model non-stationary time-series of interest. In order to capture different autoregressive (AR) states underlying an observed time series, it is crucial to select the appropriate number of states. We propose a new model selection technique based on the Gap statistics, which uses a null reference distribution on the stable AR filters to check whether adding a new AR state will significantly improve the performance of the model. To that end, we define a new distance measure between AR filters and propose an efficient method to generate random stable filters that are uniformly distributed in the coefficient space. Numerical results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.


Levinson-Durbin recursion
Uniform distribution over Autoregressions